Empires of the undergrowth guide
Empires of the undergrowth guide

empires of the undergrowth guide empires of the undergrowth guide

Territory: 8/ 10/ 12/ 15 (first time: + 72, challenge mode: -, extra choice: + 12).Gather 50/ 80/ 100/ 125 ants at the very top of the mound.Gain 200/ 300/ 375/ 480 points by increasing population.You must choose either pervasive or vigorous soldiers before playing the mission. Dandelion seeds frequently land on the map and disappear 90 seconds afterward. Magnolia saplings and carnivorous plants grow sparsely across the map. Other milkweed plants can only be reached when water rises. You have access to an empty milkweed plant at the start of the mission. It washes away both dead and alive creatures, except for the amphibians. Water rises gradually in the morning and in the evening without ever receding. Each worker population grants 1 point while each soldier population grants 1.5 points. You must reach a certain number of population points to complete the first objective. Nest entrance will be excavated automatically when the first attacking wave is about to arrive. Your nest is located on the second highest layer of the mound. In this mission, a fire ant colony must amass enough number to form a raft and escape the upcoming flood.

Empires of the undergrowth guide