He made it clear, that my task is, to write a batch code, which consecutively calculates all the models and saves each results file, so he can look at those later. For those who are familiar with APDL, this may be useful, since the current version. I asked my supervisor about changing the input files, but I am not allowed to do so. Insert Commands 1, if available, allows you to insert APDL Commands. Thanks a lot in advance, I really am desperate by now With this code however,Ansys always searches for an input file, which is called "ANSYS_MODEL_i" instead of putting the right number of the DO Loop for the i. My problem now is, that I am not able to write a working Batch Code in APDL, so that ANSYS calculates all models consecutively. inp files) of the plate with each of them having slightly different dimensions. Therefore I have a couple of hundred working models (as. I have to do a parametric study in ANSYS, where I have to investigate the influence of the dimensions of a rectangular plate with tensile forces. DO Loop in APDL - CFD Online Discussion Forums