Goku is a pretty simple but versatile character with most of the tools everyone would want, a teleport combo, a decently fast knockdown combo for easy ground infinites, and a hard knockdown.
Grab: Goku grabs his opponent by the legs and spins them around for a while before throwing them away horizontally. If the first hit after the launcher is replaced with a light attack, Goku will instead do the sledgehammer ending from the light string that can cause a hard knockdown. 5元H: After the light attacks, launches the opponent away, then teleports in front of their path to deliver a further combo, ending with the same punch as LHH. LHH: Following the light attack or attacks, Goku does a spin kick, and then a punch that causes a knockback. Alternating String (HLHLH): Fourth hit is a long knockback, fifth hit slams opponent back down.
Third hit is multikicks, and hits five times.
Heavy String (5H): Following the first punch, a series of kicks that end in a knockdown. The sledgehammer likely causes a hard knockdown, but due to the combo typically launcher opponent too far upwards, it will not function. Light String (9L): After a series of punches and kicks, launches opponent upwards strikes them down with a sledgehammer hit. As a mentor, he will teach you four skills, three supers and an ultimate:
He can be found in the Bamboo Forest District nearby recreation of his old
I hope you're reborn as someone good this time.įollowing the defeat of Final Form Mira in story, Goku becomes available as a mentor. The following customization is available for customisable preset:
I hope you're reborn as someone good this time. Since SSG and SSGSS Goku have the same combos as regular Goku, they are covered in this article alongside him. Goku has a record high number of presets available, standing at 19 for his main slot including slot for customisable mentor, as well as separate slots for his Super Saiyan God form and 4 additional presets in his Super Saiyan Blue Form, bringing the total amount of presets to 24.